Uses of Class

Packages that use TranscodingResponse
org.alembik Provides the classes necessary for connecting to Alembik service and processing transcoding requests. 
org.alembik.util Provides the utility classes handling transcoding request and response objects. 
org.openmobilealliance.schema.sti.v1_0 Provides all the DTO classes defined by OMA-STI v1_0. 

Uses of TranscodingResponse in org.alembik

Methods in org.alembik that return TranscodingResponse
 TranscodingResponse TranscodingManager.processSync(TranscodingRequest request)
          Sends the given transcoding request to be processed synchronously.
 TranscodingResponse TranscodingService.processSync(TranscodingRequest request)
          Processes the given transcoding request synchronously.

Uses of TranscodingResponse in org.alembik.util

Methods in org.alembik.util with parameters of type TranscodingResponse
static void OMAUtils.addReturnResult(TranscodingResponse response, ResultCode code, java.lang.String message)
          Creates a new return result instance of the desired code and the description text and sets it as a secondary return result of the given transcoding response.
static ReturnResults OMAUtils.getReturnResults(TranscodingResponse response)
          Returns the holder object of secondary transcoding results of the given response object.

Uses of TranscodingResponse in org.openmobilealliance.schema.sti.v1_0

Methods in org.openmobilealliance.schema.sti.v1_0 that return TranscodingResponse
 TranscodingResponse ObjectFactory.createTranscodingResponse()
          Create an instance of TranscodingResponse

Methods in org.openmobilealliance.schema.sti.v1_0 that return types with arguments of type TranscodingResponse
 javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<TranscodingResponse> ObjectFactory.createTranscodingResponse(TranscodingResponse value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<TranscodingResponse>}

Methods in org.openmobilealliance.schema.sti.v1_0 with parameters of type TranscodingResponse
 javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<TranscodingResponse> ObjectFactory.createTranscodingResponse(TranscodingResponse value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<TranscodingResponse>}