Class TranscodingManager

  extended by org.alembik.TranscodingManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TranscodingManager
extends java.lang.Object

The cornerstone singleton component, which provides access to Alembik service and various utility methods for creating and executing transcoding requests.

See Also:
getInstance(), Serialized Form

Method Summary
static TranscodingManager getInstance()
 java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the service connection property of the given name.
 java.lang.String getTranscodedUrl(java.lang.String sourceUrl, java.lang.String profileID, java.lang.Long maxSize)
          Returns the transcoded file location for a job scheduled with the given parameters set.
 JobResult getTranscodingInfo(TranscodingRequest request, java.lang.String jobID)
          Fetches a detailed processing results of the given job.
 TranscodingParams getTranscodingProfile(TranscodingJob job)
          Returns a transcoding profile resolved for the given job.
 boolean isSourceFileComplete(TranscodingRequest request, java.lang.String jobID)
          Checks whether a loaded source file has not been truncated by a DownloadLimit transformation.
 boolean isSourceFileReady(TranscodingRequest request, java.lang.String jobID)
          Checks whether a source file of the given job has been already loaded into the Alembik storage.
 boolean isTranscodedFileReady(java.lang.String sourceUrl, java.lang.String profileID, java.lang.Long maxSize)
          Checks whether a source file, whose processing was scheduled with the given parameters set has been already transcoded.
 boolean isTranscodedFileReady(TranscodingRequest request, java.lang.String jobID)
          Checks whether a source file of the given job has been already transcoded.
static TranscodingRequest prepareBestMatchingRequest(java.lang.String sourceUrl, java.lang.String userAgent, java.lang.Class<? extends Media> mediaType, Quality quality, boolean isStreaming)
          Creates a single-job transcoding request instance for the given source location, User-Agent string, specified transcoded content's type and desired quality of a predefined profile selected by "best matching" strategy algorithm.
static TranscodingRequest prepareRequest(java.lang.String sourceUrl, java.lang.String profileID, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.Long maxSize)
          Creates a single-job trancoding request instance with the given transcoding parameters set.
static TranscodingRequest prepareUARequest(java.lang.String sourceUrl, java.lang.String userAgent, java.lang.Class<? extends Media> mediaType, java.lang.Integer width, java.lang.Integer height)
          Creates a single-job transcoding request instance for the given source location, User-Agent string, specified transcoded content's type and (optionally) dimensions.
static TranscodingRequest prepareUARequest(java.lang.String sourceUrl, java.lang.String userAgent, java.lang.Class<? extends Media> mediaType, java.lang.Long maxSize)
          Creates a single-job transcoding request instance for the given source location, User-Agent string, specified transcoded content's type and (optionally) size limit.
static TranscodingRequest prepareUARequestStreamingVideo(java.lang.String sourceUrl, java.lang.String userAgent, java.lang.Long maxSize)
          Creates a single-job streaming video transcoding request for the given source location, User-Agent string and (optionally) size limit.
static TranscodingRequest prepareUARequestWithScaling(java.lang.String sourceUrl, java.lang.String userAgent, java.lang.Class<? extends Media> mediaType, java.lang.Integer relativeWidth, java.lang.Integer relativeHeight)
          Creates a single-job transcoding request instance for the given source location, User-Agent string, specified transcoded content's type and (optionally) dimensions in the form of percentage of a device screen size.
 void processAsync(java.lang.String sourceUrl, java.lang.String profileID, java.lang.Long maxSize)
          Sends a single-job transcoding request to be processed asynchronously.
 void processAsync(TranscodingRequest request)
          Sends the given transcoding request to be processed asynchronously.
 java.lang.String processSync(java.lang.String sourceUrl, java.lang.String profileID, java.lang.Long maxSize)
          Sends a single-job transcoding request to be processed synchronously.
 TranscodingResponse processSync(TranscodingRequest request)
          Sends the given transcoding request to be processed synchronously.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static TranscodingManager getInstance()
class singleton instance


public java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String name)
Returns the service connection property of the given name.

name - name of the requested connection property
the property value, if found; otherwise null


public TranscodingResponse processSync(TranscodingRequest request)
                                throws TranscodingException

Sends the given transcoding request to be processed synchronously.

In general the method returns a transcoding response with the appropriate return result (success, warn or error), although some unexpected error may produce a transcoding exception.

request - transcoding request with at least one job defined
transcoding response with the result info on each request's job
TranscodingException - if the request cannot be processed
See Also:
processSync(String, String, Long), TranscodingResponse.getMainReturnResult(), TranscodingService.processSync(TranscodingRequest)


public void processAsync(TranscodingRequest request)
                  throws TranscodingException

Sends the given transcoding request to be processed asynchronously.

The jobs progress and processing details can be retrieved subsequently with the getTranscodingInfo(TranscodingRequest, String) method.

request - transcoding request with at least one job defined
TranscodingException - if the request cannot be processed
See Also:
getTranscodingInfo(TranscodingRequest, String), TranscodingService.processAsync(TranscodingRequest)


public boolean isSourceFileReady(TranscodingRequest request,
                                 java.lang.String jobID)
                          throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Checks whether a source file of the given job has been already loaded into the Alembik storage.

request - request containing the inquired job
jobID - id of the inquired job
true if the source file is ready; otherwise false
java.lang.IllegalStateException - upon any connection error
See Also:
TranscodingService.isSourceFileReady(TranscodingRequest, String)


public boolean isTranscodedFileReady(TranscodingRequest request,
                                     java.lang.String jobID)
                              throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Checks whether a source file of the given job has been already transcoded.

request - request containing the inquired job
jobID - id of the inquired job
true if the transcoded file is ready; otherwise false
java.lang.IllegalStateException - upon any connection error
See Also:
processAsync(TranscodingRequest), TranscodingService.isTranscodedFileReady(TranscodingRequest, String)


public JobResult getTranscodingInfo(TranscodingRequest request,
                                    java.lang.String jobID)
                             throws java.lang.IllegalStateException

Fetches a detailed processing results of the given job.

The returned JobResult object contains either the information on the transcoded result (if successful), error codes and messages (upon job failure) or transcoding progress (when job is still in process).

request - request containing the inquired job
jobID - id of the inquired job
job result object if the job has been identified; otherwise null
java.lang.IllegalStateException - upon any connection error
See Also:
JobResult.Output.getLocation(), JobResult.getMainReturnResult(), TranscodingUtils.getResultInfo(JobResult, org.alembik.util.TranscodingUtils.FileInfo), TranscodingUtils.getResultState(JobResult)


public boolean isSourceFileComplete(TranscodingRequest request,
                                    java.lang.String jobID)
                             throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Checks whether a loaded source file has not been truncated by a DownloadLimit transformation.

request - request containing the inquired job
jobID - id of the inquired job
true if the source file is ready and has not been truncated; otherwise false
java.lang.IllegalStateException - upon any connection error
See Also:
TranscodingUtils.FileInfo.COMPLETE, TranscodingUtils.getResultInfo(JobResult, FileInfo)


public TranscodingParams getTranscodingProfile(TranscodingJob job)
                                        throws java.lang.IllegalStateException

Returns a transcoding profile resolved for the given job.

The method is useful to obtain the detailed transcoding parameters as resolved by the server on the basis of the passed job's profileID field. Then the returned object is an instance of a predefined profile or a result of User-Agent resolution.

job - transcoding job to be resolved
resolved transcoding profile
java.lang.IllegalStateException - upon any connection error
See Also:
TranscodingUtils.getMatchedId(TranscodingParams), WURFLUtils, TranscodingService.getTranscodingProfile(TranscodingJob)


public java.lang.String processSync(java.lang.String sourceUrl,
                                    java.lang.String profileID,
                                    java.lang.Long maxSize)
                             throws TranscodingException

Sends a single-job transcoding request to be processed synchronously.

The method is primarily intended to transcode content with a predefined transcoding profile (defined in the server-side profile-defs.xml).

sourceUrl - source file location (accessed with HTTP protocol)
profileID - id of the selected predefined profile
maxSize - size limit (in bytes) for the transcoded file; if null the file size will be unlimited
transcoded file location if succefully processed; otherwise null
TranscodingException - if the request cannot be processed
See Also:
prepareRequest(String, String, String, Long), processSync(TranscodingRequest)


public void processAsync(java.lang.String sourceUrl,
                         java.lang.String profileID,
                         java.lang.Long maxSize)
                  throws TranscodingException

Sends a single-job transcoding request to be processed asynchronously. The transcoded file location may be subsequently retrieved by the getTranscodedUrl(String, String, Long) method.

The method is primarily intended to transcode content with a predefined transcoding profile (defined in the server-side profile-defs.xml).

sourceUrl - source file location (accessed with HTTP protocol)
profileID - id of the selected predefined profile
maxSize - size limit (in bytes) for the transcoded file; if null the file size will be unlimited
TranscodingException - if the request cannot be processed
See Also:
getTranscodedUrl(String, String, Long), prepareRequest(String, String, String, Long), processAsync(TranscodingRequest)


public boolean isTranscodedFileReady(java.lang.String sourceUrl,
                                     java.lang.String profileID,
                                     java.lang.Long maxSize)
                              throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Checks whether a source file, whose processing was scheduled with the given parameters set has been already transcoded.

sourceUrl - source file location (accessed with HTTP protocol)
profileID - id of the selected predefined profile
maxSize - size limit (in bytes) for the transcoded file; if null the file size will be unlimited
true if the transcoded file is ready; otherwise false
java.lang.IllegalStateException - upon any connection error
See Also:
processAsync(String, String, Long)


public java.lang.String getTranscodedUrl(java.lang.String sourceUrl,
                                         java.lang.String profileID,
                                         java.lang.Long maxSize)
                                  throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Returns the transcoded file location for a job scheduled with the given parameters set.

sourceUrl - source file location (accessed with HTTP protocol)
profileID - id of the selected predefined profile
maxSize - size limit (in bytes) for the transcoded file; if null the file size will be unlimited
transcoded file location if available; otherwise null
java.lang.IllegalStateException - upon any connection error
See Also:
processAsync(String, String, Long)


public static TranscodingRequest prepareRequest(java.lang.String sourceUrl,
                                                java.lang.String profileID,
                                                java.lang.String contentType,
                                                java.lang.Long maxSize)

Creates a single-job trancoding request instance with the given transcoding parameters set.

The method is primarily intended for the transcoding jobs of a predefined transcoding profile (defined in the server-side profile-defs.xml).

sourceUrl - source file location (accessed with HTTP protocol)
profileID - id of the selected predefined profile
contentType - mime-type of the source file; if null Alembik will evaluate it itself
maxSize - size limit (in bytes) for the transcoded file; if null the file size will be unlimited
transcoding request with one job specified
See Also:
TranscodingJob.Source.setLocation(String), TranscodingJob.Target.setProfileID(String), TranscodingJob.Source.setContentType(String), OMAUtils.getSizeLimit(TranscodingJob)


public static TranscodingRequest prepareUARequest(java.lang.String sourceUrl,
                                                  java.lang.String userAgent,
                                                  java.lang.Class<? extends Media> mediaType,
                                                  java.lang.Long maxSize)
                                           throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

Creates a single-job transcoding request instance for the given source location, User-Agent string, specified transcoded content's type and (optionally) size limit.

The method is generally intended for the transcoding jobs that process mobile content.

sourceUrl - source file location
userAgent - device's User-Agent string
mediaType - output media type
maxSize - size limit (in bytes) for the transcoded file; if null the file size will be unlimited
transcoding request with one job specified
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if mediaType is not the class of Image, Audio, Video or Text type
See Also:
TranscodingJob.Source.setLocation(String), TranscodingJob.Target.setProfileID(String), OMAUtils.setMedia(TranscodingParams, Media), OMAUtils.getSizeLimit(TranscodingJob)


public static TranscodingRequest prepareUARequest(java.lang.String sourceUrl,
                                                  java.lang.String userAgent,
                                                  java.lang.Class<? extends Media> mediaType,
                                                  java.lang.Integer width,
                                                  java.lang.Integer height)
                                           throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

Creates a single-job transcoding request instance for the given source location, User-Agent string, specified transcoded content's type and (optionally) dimensions.

The method is generally intended for the transcoding jobs that process mobile content. The output content will be resized to the specified dimensions using the OMAUtils.RESIZE_ASPECT_RATIO directive.

sourceUrl - source file location
userAgent - device's User-Agent string
mediaType - output media type
width - transcoded content's width (in pixels); may be null
height - transcoded content's height (in pixels); may be null
transcoding request with one job specified
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if mediaType is not the class of Image, Video or Text type
See Also:
TranscodingJob.Source.setLocation(String), TranscodingJob.Target.setProfileID(String), OMAUtils.setMedia(TranscodingParams, Media), TranscodingUtils.setDimensions(Media, Integer, Integer)


public static TranscodingRequest prepareUARequestWithScaling(java.lang.String sourceUrl,
                                                             java.lang.String userAgent,
                                                             java.lang.Class<? extends Media> mediaType,
                                                             java.lang.Integer relativeWidth,
                                                             java.lang.Integer relativeHeight)
                                                      throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

Creates a single-job transcoding request instance for the given source location, User-Agent string, specified transcoded content's type and (optionally) dimensions in the form of percentage of a device screen size.

The method is generally intended for the transcoding jobs that process mobile content. The output content will be resized to the specified dimensions using the OMAUtils.RESIZE_ASPECT_RATIO directive.

sourceUrl - source file location
userAgent - device's User-Agent string
mediaType - output media type
relativeWidth - transcoded content's width relative to a device's screen; may be null
relativeHeight - transcoded content's height relative to a device's screen may be null
transcoding request with one job specified
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if mediaType is not the class of Image or Video type
See Also:
TranscodingJob.Source.setLocation(String), TranscodingJob.Target.setProfileID(String), OMAUtils.setMedia(TranscodingParams, Media), TranscodingUtils.addRelativeResize(Media, Integer, Integer, String)


public static TranscodingRequest prepareUARequestStreamingVideo(java.lang.String sourceUrl,
                                                                java.lang.String userAgent,
                                                                java.lang.Long maxSize)

Creates a single-job streaming video transcoding request for the given source location, User-Agent string and (optionally) size limit.

The method is generally intended for the transcoding jobs that process video streaming to mobile devices.

sourceUrl - source file location
userAgent - device's User-Agent string
maxSize - size limit (in bytes) for the transcoded file; if null the file size will be unlimited
transcoding request with one streaming video job specified
See Also:
TranscodingUtils.TRANSFORMATION_STREAMING, prepareUARequest(String, String, Class, Long)


public static TranscodingRequest prepareBestMatchingRequest(java.lang.String sourceUrl,
                                                            java.lang.String userAgent,
                                                            java.lang.Class<? extends Media> mediaType,
                                                            Quality quality,
                                                            boolean isStreaming)
                                                     throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

Creates a single-job transcoding request instance for the given source location, User-Agent string, specified transcoded content's type and desired quality of a predefined profile selected by "best matching" strategy algorithm. The additional streaming argument indicates if the chosen profile needs to have streaming enabled.

sourceUrl - source file location
userAgent - device's User-Agent string
mediaType - output media type
quality - quality of a selected predefined profile
isStreaming - true if the selected profile must have the streaming transformation set
transcoding request with a "best matching" strategy job
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if mediaType is not the class of Audio or Video type in case of streaming enabled
See Also:
TranscodingUtils.setBestMatchingQuality(TranscodingJob, Quality)