Uses of Class

Packages that use LayoutEnum
org.openmobilealliance.schema.sti.v1_0 Provides all the DTO classes defined by OMA-STI v1_0. 

Uses of LayoutEnum in org.openmobilealliance.schema.sti.v1_0

Methods in org.openmobilealliance.schema.sti.v1_0 that return LayoutEnum
static LayoutEnum LayoutEnum.fromValue(java.lang.String v)
 LayoutEnum Multipart.Presentation.getLayout()
          Gets the value of the layout property.
 LayoutEnum MediaDetailMultipart.MediaDetailsPresentation.getLayout()
          Gets the value of the layout property.
static LayoutEnum LayoutEnum.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static LayoutEnum[] LayoutEnum.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

Methods in org.openmobilealliance.schema.sti.v1_0 with parameters of type LayoutEnum
 void Multipart.Presentation.setLayout(LayoutEnum value)
          Sets the value of the layout property.
 void MediaDetailMultipart.MediaDetailsPresentation.setLayout(LayoutEnum value)
          Sets the value of the layout property.